Litter and debris that accumulate on city streets get washed down storm drains and carried by rainwater into NYC waterways and beyond, affecting the health of marine life. An important step to healthy waterways in NYC is litter-free streets.
Litter and debris that accumulate on city streets get washed down storm drains and carried by rainwater into NYC waterways and beyond, affecting the health of marine life. An important step to healthy waterways in NYC is litter-free streets.
Trash in New York City’s waterways begins as litter on the streets that is carried by rainwater to storm drains and ultimately to local rivers and streams. This contamination can harm local wildlife and city residents. Pollution from chemicals and trash reaching the river through storm drains is toxic to aquatic life; causing suffocation, infection, starvation and drowning to local sea critters such as turtles, fish, and birds. Trash that makes its way to our waterways can also contaminate our food supply and expose people to dangerous pathogens and toxins. An important first step to heathy waterways in NYC is litter-free streets.